Most states require you to file reports annually confirming your continued existence. They usually consist of your corporate information, ownership information, cap tables and sometimes require sales or revenue information. We have filed thousands of annual reports in each state and can help you take care of your annual report filing, too. We know exactly what information is needed and what to do with it. By answering a few quick questions, we can take care of your annual report so you can get back to business.
With a few clicks, stay compliant and get back to work.
We have most of the information already so with a few clicks we can take care of your annual report for you.
Our knowledgeable staff has years of experience handling every type of filing for customers of all sizes. Do what you love, let us handle the paperwork.
Swyft Filings has filed thousands of annual reports. We can put all of that expertise and knowledge to work for you so you can get back to focusing on your business.
Through your secure online account, you can complete the process with a few clicks of the mouse, and then let our business professionals take over.
Each state has slightly different annual report or franchise reporting requirements. Some states only require filings every other year. While the purpose for most states is to update information on your business, some states also require revenue information. Rather than research and figure out exactly what you need, let our professionals handle it for you.
Mistakes on these administrative tasks can be the death knell for your company. At best, forgetting to file or filing improperly can result in additional fines and fees. At worst, it can be the reason your business gets shut down.
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The annual report is a filing that most states require from companies on an annual or other periodic basis that keeps the company information current with the state.
Companies on the stock exchange like NASDAQ and the NYSE do have to file annual reports with the SEC that become public. These are very different and much more comprehensive from the annual statements that have to be filed with the states where you are doing business. While less comprehensive, state annual reports can still be complex and confusing.
The complexity of the annual report varies by state. Generally speaking, you must usually provide updated information regarding location, owners, revenues and employees. Our specialists know exactly what information you will need.
This, too, varies by states. Rarely do the states disclose any financial information provided to them. Some states, however, do disclose ownership or other basic information. If you are concerned about that, you can visit with one of our business specialists who may help you convert your entity to a state where there are less disclosures.
States impose fines and penalties if you fail to file your annual report or file it late. More importantly, many states will suspend or terminate your entity if you fail to make the proper filings.
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