What do the largest, most trusted brands, logos, and slogans have in common? Their owners went through the trademark registration process to protect them.
When you register a trademark, you protect your name, logo, or slogan against copycats and competitors. We’ve partnered with Trademark Engine to provide a quick and easy way to get a trademark and obtain the presumption of ownership that comes with it. All you have to do is answer some simple questions.
Trademark Engine’s seamless process lets you file a trademark application in just three steps.
Our partner, Trademark Engine provides a simple questionnaire to kickstart the trademark registration process in as little as seven minutes.
Trademark Engine’s professional staff has years of experience dealing with the trademark registration process and can accommodate your needs efficiently.
Trademark Engine has filed thousands of trademark applications and helped hundreds of customers get a trademark for their name, logo, or slogan. You can put that expertise to work for you, and rest assured that they'll file your USPTO paperwork correctly.
Trademark Engine lets you kickstart the trademark registration process in minutes. All you have to do is complete their quick and easy questionnaire. Then, let their professionals take it from there.
The last thing you want is to go through the entire trademark registration process only to hear from the USPTO that your mark is too similar to an existing trademark. When a USPTO application is rejected, the fees you paid are nonrefundable. That’s why Trademark Engine safeguards the process by offering a free, direct-hit search for any direct matches when registering a trademark.
Time and money are at a premium when getting your business off the ground. Failing to file for a trademark correctly can cost you both. Avoid the risk and let our partner, Trademark Engine, and their trademark registration experts handle the paperwork for you.
• 300,000+ businesses created since 2015
• 36,000+ five-star reviews
• Personalized customer service specific to your needs
Still have questions? You can call Trademark Engine at 1-877-721-4579 or visit their website to live chat for real-time support.
A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of another. You might also hear or read about “service marks,” which distinguish the source of a service rather than a good. Typically, both marks are referred to simply as a “trademark” or “mark.”
Registering a trademark entitles the holder to a presumption of ownership on a national level, and they have a presumed right to use the mark nationwide. It also makes it easier to prevent someone from filing for a trademark confusingly similar to your own and can help strengthen your case if you happen to take someone to federal court for infringing on your brand.
Filing your trademark with the USPTO can prevent potential infringement because your mark will be maintained in the USPTO database, potentially discouraging others from using it.
A nonprofit organization’s name may be eligible for a trademark. Typically, filing for a trademark helps prohibit the unauthorized use of a nonprofit’s name for actions that don’t align with its social mission or function. Note that the USPTO will want proof of your organization's nonprofit status.
Don’t be confused by the “use in commerce” requirement in a trademark application. It works a little differently for nonprofits. For example, if your organization provides goods or services to the homeless and receives funds from others, this is generally enough to cover the “use in commerce” requirement.
Trademarks can last forever under the right circumstances. When you properly register a trademark, you must renew it through a Declaration of Continued Use between the 5th and 6th anniversary of its filing and again between the 9th and 10th anniversary. Following that, trademarks must be renewed every ten years.
Looking for more information on running and growing a small business? Swyft’s Resource Center has a variety of articles, case studies, and guides that provide best practices and useful advice for business owners.
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